How to do Marketing in Telegram

We all know what is the meaning of the term marketing right now will see how can do the marketing in the telegram We all know how the influencers and the meme pages promote the brands and the remaining things and you all know how the marketing will be done on Instagram. Now we will … Read more

Useful Telegram bots

Bots are also called AI because they also work like AI. By using the bots we can make our work easier. Nowadays so many people don’t know how to use the bot there are a lot of advantages to using bots Now here we will see some useful bots that are helping us to make … Read more

5 Earnings methods in telegram

Earning methods in telegram

5 Earning methods in the telegram are somehow similar to the remaining social media platforms in some aspects we will see what are those aspects and we will see how can we earn money in telegram What are the ways to earn money in the telegram? Affiliate marketing This is the easiest and the huge … Read more

How can we hide identity in telegram?

In every app we can hide our identity but why telegram is different among them? Definitely, telegram is different because, in the remaining apps if you do a scam or if others want to know your identity there are many loopholes to finding your identity but in Telegram, they can’t find your identity that’s the … Read more

Types of scams in Telegram

Types of scams in Telegram   In the previous blog itself, I told you that a lot of scams will occur in the telegram. Now we will see that what are the types of scams in telegram and how they trap the people in the scam in detail. I hope this blog will definitely be … Read more

How can we use telegram?

How can we use telegram

Nowadays maximum people are using social media platforms to earn money . We all have seen that on Instagram a lot of people are doing reels and getting fame. Whatever the reason for starting reels, finally you will stop at one point that is money. You all know that how can we earn money from … Read more